You can read the indonesian version of this update on “FAQ yang tidak ditanyakan siapapun”.
When I was a kid I noticed how Aoyama Gosho’s Detective Conan aka Case Closed (I know this another name recently) comic draw style grow progressively, I can tell the difference between Shinichi Kudo’s face and many small details slowly changes on each volume, which now inspired me to do what I want without caring about perfection and start to do it as soon as possible. and this blog is one example.
From this blog, I hope I can learn so many things like how to write in English properly (right now I’m still using Google Translate and Grammarly), learn programming especially ruby by creating this blog from ‘scratch’, and communicate my thought that I hope everyone can understand. I will use this blog as a sandbox to grow my soft skill and hard skill.
In this blog, I will share some of my experience on learning anything, my idea, and opinions, and I’ll add some useful feature as the amount of the content grow bigger. I appreciate your feedback and further conversation around the article that I uploaded here.
Lastly, maybe I need to give you a warning. Currently, I see this blog in the ‘experimental’ phase, maybe in the future I will archive or hide all of these articles. so some of the tips are not useful for you, and some of the opinions will sound stupid and weird. At the end of the day, I’m not your financial advisor, please do your own research.